- [ Academics ] 제증명서 발급 중단 안내(1차: 8/22(목)~23(금.. 2024-08-06
- [ Academics ] Notification on the Implementation of the W.. 2023-08-25
- [ Academics ] Announcement Regarding the Graduation Gowns.. 2022-08-01
- [ Academics ] 2022-2nd Semester Registration Guideline fo.. 2022-08-01
- [ General ] 2022 Fall Semester Course Enrollment Schedu 2022-08-01
- [ General ] 2022 Fall Notice of application for the LOA.. 2022-08-01

- How can a student apply for a dormitory room? 2022-08-08
- How is a GPA of an overseas graduate reflected? 2022-08-08
- How much are GPA and the LEET score reflected in the application? 2022-08-08
- How is the document screening score calculated? 2022-08-08
- Can a student register for more than 18 credits per semester? 2022-08-08
- What does Sungkyunkwan University Law School specialize in? 2022-08-08